Are you compliant?
Pat Testing in London
Reducing Risks Protecting People
Established for over 20 years.
Portable Appliance Testing is the accepted and agreed method by which companies in London can be sure they are meeting Health and Safety requirements placed upon them by law with regard to the use, re-selling or repair of electrical equipment in the work place.
PAT Testing Regulations
Conforming to PAT testing regulations will help you to ensure that the portable appliances in your business are safe and help you to avoid violations. PAT testing legislation was put into effect to ensure that all companies conform to the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974, Electricity at Work Regulations of 1989, Provision and Use of Work Equipment regulations of 1998 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations of 1999.

PAT testing legislation requires that all employers, self-employed individuals and landlords make sure that their portable electrical appliances are safely used only for the purposes intended. These appliances should always be maintained and remain in good working order.